星期二, 1月 27, 2015

Citrix XenServer Storage is running out of space

It's very dangerous to del base copy .

*It seems that it'll auto reclaim freed space on XenServer 6.5.:D

Please don't do it,if you aren't sure.
If you really did it,such like what I did the stupid things.
And I'm still looking for the answear.

Before delete it,you have to make sure which VHD-Files are linked together.
 you can use this command
# xe vdi-list uuid=VDIUUID params=all

# xe vdi-list name-labe=$VDI_NAME params=all
And you can see  vhd-parent:(if you had ever did the snapshot or something like that.)
Please keep it and do not delete it!
PS.The  vhd-parent could be linked with another vhd file.

My citrix xenserver storage is running out of space.
It shows 700.1 GB used of 853.1 GB total (376 GB allocated)
When I google and get the answer is  "base copy".
you can use this command to show all the vdi file.
# xe vdi-list

1.find the name-label is base copy,and make sure the $STORAGE_UUID is the storage that you want to delete.
# xe vdi-list name-label="base copy" 

uuid ( RO) : $UUID
name-label ( RW): base copy
name-description ( RW):
sr-uuid ( RO): $STORAGE_UUID
virtual-size ( RO): 386547056640
sharable ( RO): false
read-only ( RO): true
2.find the path.
# lvdisplay|grep "$UUID"output:
3.remove it and rescan the storage.
# lvremove -f $PATH
# xe sr-scan uuid=
My space is back and i hope it works out well for you !

This article was extremely useful: http://appsense.wordpress.com/2009/11/24/deleting-orphaned-disks-in-citrix-xenserver-5-5/
